We all have one crazy downer pal that exists in our friend circle and can’t deny the truth that mate sucks all the fun part of your adventures.
The discouragement vibes pop when you tell your group to plan a hangout to a beach late night and the downer friend keeps telling you with the hit & run event that took place recently..
After a heart wrenching breakup your downer friend asks you to go out on a blind date!!
You just shared a big secret and however hope to get some advice on it, but that one fun sucker mate lists down the don’ts fact and your totally unable to continue the argument. lol !
When you tell your friend that you really like this guy and that downer culprit tells you his love chain.. “Oh Oh we are not getting back together” starts beating in your brains..
But hey whatever we all still love that downer friend to the core no matter how unhelpful vibes he/she spreads.. Cheers!
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