The Pursuit of Happiness is to let go of all the stresses we inhale in our life, and that’s the rule in the book of success. The experience to travel the world and seeing them in a different dimension can be done by only who has this passion and be called as true travelers.
Cassie De Pecol from Connecticut, USA spent her 18 months in expedition to hybrid theory involves cultures and traditions of the different places. She is the first person to be a recognized traveler of 196 countries of the earth. It was heart-pleasure to know that she loved Pakistan during her travel and is on #5 position out of 10 in her list, she also shares the hospitality she got from Pakistan , specifically Karachi was wonderful , Cassie praises the enrichment of the culture and traditions Pakistan has inherited and simply has no comparison to it.
Although during the visa proceedings it took around 4 months for her to wait but she never failed the struggled for her trip to Pakistan. She shares her views about the tremendous food and enriched culture of Pakistan and she enjoys every bit of the travel. Cassie is one of the traveler who has enjoyed every bit of exploring the country and expressed her gratefulness to the nation of their great hospitality.
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