While living in subcontinent we abide by the traditions and cultures of projecting a great custom to present the girls in a showcase for the people to choose their type. Are arrange marriages really working out? Do we need to throw the ruins or just fix it? So we all have experimented the bitter truth of ‘Rishta’ system when you are obliged to dress up and be at your best infront of the strangers , what if rishta walay rejects you ? so you might end up thinking like you are not a marriageable kind. Does it sound outrageous ? So what exactly we are looking for maybe the bitter reality that needs to be confronted by every other female affiliated to the sort of culture.
“Beta get ready some guests are coming over for the marriage proposal” , says mom
“But its too early for me to get married right away I must pursue education,”. Says Aliya
“What more academics you need to accomplish , so stop whining and get ready”, says mom,
And ofcourse Aaliya needs to do as she is directed , parents purpose served and Aaliya found guilty seeking her symphony to rest and follow the direction she chose. I’m not opposing the default systematic brains in minds but if there is a little piece of acceptance of this truth can make the situation a whole lot easier for us to concentrate on the factors that could possibly be frightening.
Interestingly the number of Khula and divorces has reached to the brim where people losing patience and enough faith on their spouse. The lack of understanding and tolerance has reached its tip when larkay walay expecting tons of trend from the poor lass and expecting to take charge of the entire chores in just one day , I wonder if its possible for the girl to sustain its calm by ordaining her skills for the mad house. Are we really the kind to expect from a stranger? Well, this is absurd that our nation is still entangled with the truth or dare game shows and the cultural judgmental layer of mass is confessing their intentions to make poor girl in an unmanageable situation.
Can we dare to speak the truth? or can’t a simple girl holds the right to express her concerns to the parents and for once!! for the love of only life the routine of marriage proposals and its burden could be pulled. What excites the other relatives is their beautiful attire to be much bragged in the banquet and race for the ‘most gorgeous relative award’ , maybe for other male relatives the food matters to the extreme but has anyone from the family bond spotted the root cause of the happiness and angst amongst the bride and groom? I guess no one cares and it’s just the girls in our society who suffers the most. We talk about honesty and being respectful to your peers and ofcourse not to forget the adherence to the family customs.
We all expect the luxuries will make mouths shut but what is inside can be walled forever, the massive damage to the marriage institution can be healed if we create a sense of hearing and build a wall of patience to realize the ratio of maturity level that lean more towards creativity and peace.
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