The holy month of Ramadan is all about peace, humanity, love, unity and foremost, tolerance. Ramadan is all set to arrive after a week and all spectators are looking forward to the highly anticipated Ramadan track of Pakistan’s biggest channel, ARY Digital Network. ARY has a long history of establishing a connection between nature and religion with a majestic tune and surreal lyrics in order to sustain the absolute essence of Ramadan.
Similarly, the team has decided to stretch the limits by choosing unexplainably gorgeous locations for the music video. Our very own, the creator of Masoom sawalaat, Waseem Badami has shared his views regarding the ongoing shoot from Hingol, Balochistan. Have a look.
The extraordinarily brave, Iqrar Ul Hasan has also shared his views divulging that the song exhibits natural sceneries from all across Pakistan. He says that the locations they have chosen are so breathtaking that they literally wanted to take burst photos of each one of them. He further says that the whole team is trying its level best to make sure that the spectators see an astounding final product.
Iqrar Ul Hasan shares this video from Balakot telling his fans that his part of the shoot has been done in the beauteous valleys between huge mountains. Iqrar tells that he was stunned to see the amount of gorgeousness these locations were exhibiting. He has become fond of the lush green valleys, rivers and pretty little houses. He says the final song will be sufficient to leave all the viewers in awe.
Have a look at our favorite Waseem Badami standing in the midst of a beautiful natural location. The 11th-hour anchor is in the Northern Areas of Pakistan for his part of the shoot. This overall video is extremely captivating and we can get an idea of it with the presence of phenomenal lush green mountains behind him. As he stands to brief his fans about the shoot, a flock of goats passes by, giving this video a remarkably fascinating array. He has also revealed that there is something new for the audience in the video song, but for that, the spectators have to wait.
Here is a slideshow of these energetic men working tirelessly with the entire crew just to make sure that every person watching the video finds it grander than expected.
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