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Eva, The Eminent Traveller, Plants 200 Trees For a Greener Pakistan


Having garnered infinite praise across Pakistan for her visit to the Northern areas in April 2018, the Polish traveler, Ewa Bianka Zu Beck (Eva) went on to transform into a complete desi as time passed. Her visit to Pakistan has been a part of her travel plan that included countries like India, China, Mangolia, Dubai, among others. “I was planning a big worldwide tour, as I’d decided to travel full-time, so Pakistan became one of my first destinations of the trip,” she says, in the interview, we had with her, earlier this year.

Read Also: Eva’s Trip To The North

Our favorite traveler has just arrived in Pakistan four days back and the amount of zeal she carries in her heart can be easily deciphered by this heartfelt caption that says, “When you open your heart to the universe, the universe opens its heart to you. I’m a firm believer in this rule as I travel across different lands, cultures, and people. Opening your heart may mean smiling at a stranger hunched over in the back of a cafe. It may mean telling your story and hearing that of the other person. Or, quite simply, admiring someone’s homeland with open eyes and an open mind. And every time I’ve opened my heart, my eyes, my mind, I’ve been rewarded with friendship, with kindness, with love. In every single country, I’ve travelled to, whenever I let myself slide into simple yet profound appreciation, I began to see so much more. I began to see the things that a passer-by may not see, began to embrace that culture for what it is, with all its imperfections. I stopped judging.” Then, she brings Pakistan in this note and says, “But the country where I’ve felt this the most has been Pakistan. On my first visit here, I knew I had to let go of all preconceptions as soon as I arrived. This wasn’t the country I’d been told about by western media. This was a country of profound emotion, profound struggle, profound beauty. And I opened my heart to it. Then, Pakistan opened its heart to me. Because when you open your heart to the universe, the universe opens its heart to you.” She ends this beautiful write-up with, “Being back feels like being home.”

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Eva is truly a devoted ambassador when it comes to nature’s conservation. In spite of coming to the country for tourism and fun, she finds taking care of nature as her prime responsibility. She leaves her destination to go up the hills in Islamabad in order to plant as many as 200 trees with a Non-governmental organization.

The best thing about this plantation drive is that she has broadcasted every part of it on her Instagram. Have a look at this cutie giving her fans a demo of how to plant trees with instructions written in the video.

She further puts up a video of balancing soil in the surroundings of the new plant to make sure it is firmly held into the ground.

At the end of the set of tutorial videos, she waters her sapling to make sure that it starts growing faster, in order to turn into a bigger plant with each passing day. What a courteous woman!

Have a look at this gracious traveler naming her tree, ‘Peaches’. She goes on to say that she is already excited to see Peaches grow into an adult after five years.

After such a busy day amidst humid weather and abundance of exhaustion, she rejuvenates herself with a gigantic glass of cold, homemade Lassi.

Eva, in one of her last Instagram stories, reveals that she might travel to Karachi in a few days. We are uber excited about this awesome news! What are your views on this story? Have your say in the comments section below.

Syed Omer Nadeem

Masters in Journalism.

An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a mad writer.

Currently working at ARY Digital as a Lifestyle Editor

The post Eva, The Eminent Traveller, Plants 200 Trees For a Greener Pakistan appeared first on ARY Digital.

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