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People, celebrities standing up for #JusticeForUzma


We have endured 144 martyrdoms of APS in the winters of 2014, most of whom were children. Then we have witnessed a young girl Khadija Siddiqui, being brutally stabbed 23 times in 2016. In January 2018, we have found the photo of a minor girl, Zainab Ansari, who was ferociously killed on a part of the very land we live in. The inhumanely spine-chilling shooting spree in Sahiwal is rather a recent incident, where the father was shot abundant times while his children, standing there, probably saw a weapon in reality for the first time. The sad part is, these are not the only instances, there are ample examples of how children and adolescents were affected for the rest of their lives.

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Perhaps a week back, video of a lady feeding a weaker girl went viral. The latter was Uzma, just 16 years of age, who was odiously murdered. Even a vulture does not feast on its food the way Uzma had been tormented in her age of adolescence. In the attainment of bread and butter for her family, she used to work in a household having literate human beings, or perhaps animals in the form of human beings.

According to the news reports, Uzma joined work eight months back where she was regularly subjected to loathsome beating and yelling by the very people she used to wash dishes for. Because of being kept hungry for a number of days, the starving girl tried to have a bite from the plate of one of the family members. As a repercussion, the girl was stricken with a metallic dish on her head multiple times, taking her into the forever sleep. Not only was she murdered gruesomely, but she was also then thrown into a sewer, only to be accused of theft by the people who had killed her in the first place.

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Although the women who had killed Uzma have been arrested, Pakistani celebrities and people are not only concerned, but they are also enraged, demanding exemplary punishment to the killers. A few of the users have questioned the culture of hiring minor boys and girls as housekeepers.

A few have shared anecdotes from their lives, about how their family members always undermined child labor. People like these help us restore our faith in humanity.

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// When I was a little girl, my father would tell us stories. ???? We would cluster around him, like penguins huddling. My younger sister rest her head in my lap and elder sister would lean towards Papa keenly. Hanging onto every word that escaped him, this was our favorite time. Leaflets of his stories. Memoirs of his past. Souvenirs of my life. I still treasure them.? Papa dived into a story about a significant young boy, an incident of his youth. ????His desolate parents were desperate and my father gave in when they insisted for their boy to work at our house. The lad was roughly around 13 years old. Instead of forcing the boy to work, Papa got him admitted into a school ???? , fed him well and treated him like his own son. He was welcomed and embraced like family. My father waited for his parents to return. When they did, he was healthier and full of life. ???? Papa always stressed on education. ???? Instead of promoting child labor , he set an example for us to follow. Help those in need rather than exploiting them. ???? My father told us this story so that we may learn never to discriminate and also to discourage child labor. Shifting back to character building classes at school, we were advised to homeschool the children of our helpers, for they cannot afford education. @conventofjesusandmary ? strictly reprimanded students who made their helpers or drivers carry their bags even. ????// I'm indebted to my school and my parents. ? Your mother has a beautiful heart @komalshahid The culture of child maids and servants needs to stop. It's about time we quit robbing the innocence and youth of these poor children.???????? . . . #justiceforuzma #justice #pakistan #pakistanisociety #society #childabuse #childlabor #harassment #bullying #starve #punishment #wewantjustice #hassanniazi #Pakistanigirl #murder #awareness #childabuseawareness #unhrc #unitednations #amnesty #heforshe #awareness #ignorance #instapic #follow #instanews #endchildabuse #pakistanibloggers #writersoninstagram #humansofpakistan #femaleblogger

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A lot of people have come forward and apologized to Uzma for being a part of such inhumane society which gave her death.

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#justiceforuzma ?Dearest Uzma,? ? ? My heart bleeds knowing that you were taken away from this world at the hands of those your parents trusted. Economic necessity landed you in a situation which led to you not being with us. Tears flow thinking what your parents must be feeling right now. Losing a child is something no parent should have to experience.? ? ? I’m sorry that our nation breeds economic exploitation of the poorest and weakest people rather than helping them. ? ? ? I’m sorry that our privileged class treat the working class as if they aren’t worthy of being treated fairly and equally. ? ? ? I’m sorry our legal system doesn’t protect or even prevent children from becoming domestic workers. ? ? ? I’m sorry that you were treated this way and that our nation doesn’t recognize that you are simply one of many cases: ? ? ? 15 year old, Mohammed Imran, Karachi? 11 year old, Kinza Bashir, Rawalpindi? 10 year old, Tayyaba? ? ? I’m sorry that it took public outcry for your murderers to be arrested. ? ? ? We wait for the day that the Domestic Workers Bill (In Punjab) created in 2018 is implemented so children under the age of 15 aren’t forced into employment. ? ? ? Most importantly, we are waiting for your murderers to be punished, sentenced and have their right to freedom be stripped away, like yours was taken away.?

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Not only people, but celebrities have also stood against Uzma’s murderers. The heartthrob, Imran Abbas has taken to Instagram to express grief on her demise, asking the government to “take exemplary action against the murderers.”

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e strongly insist our government to take exemplary action against the murderers of Uzma to avoid this kind of heinous and heart wrenching crimes… My heart bleeds for this poor girl who has been tortured and succumbed to this pain and wounds. Cant even imagine what she has been going through after watching that video in which all those women were laughing in the background.. The most painful and petrifying aspect is that how many of these devils/barbarians are living in a disguise of a normal , modern, so called educated human beings in our "civilized(?) Society. I am speechless and truly short of words for the first time.. Dear Prime Minister! I request you to take a prior action and look into this matter personally. #justiceforuzma #imrankhan #primeministerofp

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The prima donna, Ushna Shah also posts a set of photos delineating the deceased and her oppressors. She writes, ” We demand justice for this child!”

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We demand justice for this child! (First image of Uzma the rest of her murderers) Via facebook user “The family that murdered their 16 year old maid after torturing her for 8 months. She was often starved as a punishment for God knows what crimes. She was made to sleep in a very small washroom right next to the WC. When her family came to visit her they were told that she is in another city even though they could see that she was standing right behind the door… unidentifiable because of wounds! This is the story of Uzma, the little girl who was murdered heartlessly because she committed the crime of taking one bite from their youngest daughter (Muntaha Naeem's) plate. This woman, a mother of two daughters herself, she hit her hard on the head with a ladle and while she bled to death this monster of a woman electrocuted her in an attempt to revive her instead of getting her proper medical help. The family of the deceased claims that she had several fractured bones and there were wounds all over her face and chest. I shudder when I wonder how on earth was she doing all the work in this condition… an undernourished, abused child carrying out these tedious tasks sleeping on the cold floor of a small washroom after a long tiring day… Please name and shame this family so that nobody ever dares to lift their finger on an innocent child, they should be hanged in public for murdering an innocent girl in cold blood…” #JusticeForUzma Inna lil lahey wa inna ilaehay rajioon! "[4:93] And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his punishment is hell; he shall abide in it, and Allah will send His wrath on him and curse him and prepare for him a painful chastisement." Insha'Allah!

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The dapper, Ali Kazmi finds this moment “unspeakable.” He urges people to do anything and everything to stop this act become a norm.

Uzma is not the only child to be victimized horrendously by her employers, abundant children still sleep on the footpaths of streets that have cars worth millions. As of the start of 2019’s February, a huge number of children is immersed in domestic work and street labor in an age where they should attain proper education with health, happiness and a better way of life. We hope Uzma is the last child in Pakistan to endure immense torture.

What are your views on the story? Have your say in the comments’ section below.

Syed Omer Nadeem

Masters in Journalism.

An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a writer, by passion.

Currently working at ARY Digital as a Lifestyle Editor

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