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Can you take on Ahmed Ali Butt’s challenge about Parey Hut Love?


People are over the moon excited after the trailer release of the highly anticipated movie, Parey Hut Love for the glamour and festivity it offers. It has such a tremendous ensemble cast that fans across the world are looking forward to its release.

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Selfi time T R A I L E R O U T T O D A Y! ???? ???? A Film by #AsimRaza #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #AhmedAliButt #TalkingPoint #ZaraNoorAbbas #MahiraKhan #PareyHutLove #ARYFilms #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #MadeInpakistan #PHL #B4U #ARYDigital #ARYNews #Meerajee #PakistaniCelebrities #Love #PakistaniCinema #Cinema #sifilms #talkingpoint In cinemas on #EidulAzha 2019. @pareyhutloveofficial @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official @mahirakhan @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @salman_ary @jerjeesseja @1rfanmalik@faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @aarijmehdi @iambilalsagar @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar@shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @azaanskhn @talkingpointpk @zillestudio_kukisphotography @shaikhdanial @beoneshopone @aryfilmsofficial @mrhasanraza @alamazeemi

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Known for his super-flamboyant acting, Ahmed Ali Butt is truly an unrivaled entertainer. Feeling happy or low, he has always been there to make us laugh through his unbeatable performance in movies like Punjab Nahi Jaungi and both installments of Jawani Phir Nahi Ani. His dialogues and acting in Parey Hut Love look hilarious as well.

Amid extraordinary appreciation of the trailer and all actors, the immensely talented, Ahmed Ali Butt has posted a black and white photo on his Instagram account delineating himself and his on-screen love Zara Noor Abbas along with the heartthrob Sheheryar Munawar and the stunning Maya Ali giving us all the Parey Hut Love feels.

Related: Parey Hut Love trailer oozes literal magic!

He starts the caption with a hashtag #SquadGoals and goes on to ask his fans and friends to “Spot the 4 together in the trailer!” The photo depicts Zara and Maya hugging while Sheheryar and Ahmed rather chose to look into the camera and pose.

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#SquadGoals Spot the 4 together in the trailer! A Film by #AsimRaza #PareyHutLove #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #AhmedAliButt #ZaraNoorAbbas #ARYFilms #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #MadeInPakistan #PHL #Love #B4U #ARYDigital #ARYNews #TalkingPoint #PakistaniCelebrities #Lollywood #PakistaniCinema #Cinema #PakistaniActors #LollywoodStars #PakistaniFilm In cinemas on #EidulAzha 2019. @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @salman_ary @jerjeesseja @1rfanmalik @faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @iambilalsagar @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar @shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @azaanskhn @hadiqakianiofficial @zillestudio_kukisphotography @shaikhdanial @beoneshopone @aryfilmsofficial @talkingpointpk

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Can you spot them? Have a look at the trailer of Parey Hut Love again and tell us if you can spot all these cuties together. Have your say in the comments’ section below.

The post Can you take on Ahmed Ali Butt’s challenge about Parey Hut Love? appeared first on ARY Digital.

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