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Ik Pal looks grand for all the right reasons!


The highly anticipated flick of 2019, Parey hut Love is scheduled to release this Eid Ul Adha and all people are over the moon excited for the grandeur it possesses. With more than a Million views on Parey Hut Love’s trailer, its first song Ik Pal has garnered exceptional praise with more than 600,000 views in a matter of just three days.

The Behind the Scenes (BTS) video of Ik Pal has just been released and it showers the right amount of charm on our screens throughout its entire duration. The video unveils the struggle that has put into the making of such a grand wedding song.

Related: Every wedding will surely include a performance on Parey Hut Love’s ‘Ik Pal’

Producer and lead protagonist, Sheheryar Munawar says, “So when we were shooting Ik Pal, it was an amazing experience for me because there were two different schools of cinema and to be able to see both of those schools come together was so much fun for me at different levels; as an actor, as a producer.”

Meanwhile for the gorgeous Maya Ali, “This song was a party.”

According to the debutant Parisheh James, Ik Pal is the song of her wedding. She says, “It means so much to me because everybody was there. It was beautiful and grand and colorful and everything you could hope for, for your wedding.”

“For me particularly, it was an honor working with Hadiqa Jee,” says Azaan Sami Khan, talking about his encounter with the legendary Hadiqa Kiani who has lent her voice for Ik Pal.

Director Asim Raza also speaks about why is this song special for team Parey Hut love, “In every family, the first wedding is always very special. Likewise, since it was the first wedding of Parey hut Love, we all were pretty excited.”

Related: Can you take on Ahmed Ali Butt’s challenge about Parey Hut Love?

“To be with each other is very important because that is what is going to make this team a family and that is exactly what’s gonna show on the screen,” says Zara Noor Abbas about the song while her onscreen love Ahmed Ali Butt claims Ik Pal as “one of his favorite tracks.” He goes on, “The most fun time we had shooting that song.”

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The soulful Behka Na ???????? in the young voice of #AliTariq & #HarshdeepKaur from #PareyHutLove is all set to release on Wednesday, 10th July A film by #AsimRaza #BehkaNa #SheheryarMunawar #MayaAli #AhmedAliButt #ZaraNoorAbbas #ARYFilms #TheVisionFactoryFilms #TVFFilms #MadeInPakistan #PHL #B4U #ARYDigital #ARYNews #PakistaniCelebrities #SiFilms #CocaCola #Pepe’s In cinemas on #EidUlAzha 2019 @asimrazatvf @sheheryarmunawar @official_mayaali @ahmedalibutt @zaranoorabbas.official @mahirakhan @hina_dilpazeer @rachelavanviccaji @salman_ary @jerjeesseja @1rfanmalik @faheemazam @munawarsiddiqui @friehaaltaf @yousufbashirqureshi @parishehjamesofficial @pareyhutloveofficial @itsjimmykhan @shahbazshigri @umarsayeedcoutureofficial @ismailfaridpk @adnanansariofficial @rashid_gill @hadiqakianiofficial @rashidsaloon @nigahjee @allurebymht @hina.farooqui @haanisharique @saqibhayatr @aarij_1 @shaan.sheikh33 @shehrazade_s @salmansirhindi @aarijmehdi @mrhasanraza @nailaa_khan @alamazeemi @setactinstapage @faisalhussain @rehanullahkhan @owaisqamar @shaibanhaq1 @mehrunisaazhar @thevisionfactoryfilms @thevisionfactory @salmanrazzaq @serkansg @nadeemnawaz @zillestudio_kukisphotography @zaidshams88 @cocacolapk @azaanskhn @alitariq.music @shaikhdanial @beoneshopone @aryfilmsofficial

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The second song of Parey Hut Love, Behka Na is all set to release tomorrow, while the flick is scheduled to enthrall the cinemas near you this Eid Ul Adha.

The post Ik Pal looks grand for all the right reasons! appeared first on ARY Digital.

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