In the wake of Coronavirus outbreak around the world, different countries have temporarily been locked down. Not only important public events, but marriages are also postponed along with the total closure of markets and restaurants. Celebrities around the world are asking their fans to stay vigilant and stay indoors if they catch even the slightest symptoms of the pandemic. Likewise, bhabi Shaniera Akram has just taken to Twitter, to post a set of precautionary measures regarding the Coronavirus outbreak.
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The philanthropist starts off by asking people to either let their domestic staff stay at home or live with the employers because “non live-in staff pose threat of virus spreading.”
#CoronaVirusPakistanAdvise – Whilst we have less institutions for the elderly & the sick in Pakistan and more home care it is imperative families are aware of the staff who treat them. Domestic Staff should be given the choice to either stay home or live in with their employers.
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 15, 2020
We must now take precautions to protect our ailing or elderly family members.If staff can’t stay home with you then families must step up & start to take care of their loved ones themselves. Non live-in staff pose threat of virus spreading. Don’t put them or your house at risk
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 15, 2020
The world is taking steps to preventing the spread of CoronaVirus,we are not exempt from this.All families now need to take responsibility &protect their loved ones.All people in your house pose risk of spreading the virus, so if that means no domestic staff for a while so be it!
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 15, 2020
She encouraged everyone to pay salaries to the domestic stuff even if they “cannot live with you.”
With this being said, if your staff cannot live in with you and must refrain from work to prevent the spreading of CoronaVirus, this does not mean their pay stops also! Their livelihood depends on you, so please show empathy at this time, your staff have families to protect too!
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 15, 2020
Currency notes are the major contributors of the bacterial or viral transfer. Shaniera, therefore, asks her Twitter followers to make sure to wash or sanitize hands after handling currency.
Money is the fastest way of spreading bacteria and disease so we need to be very careful when handling cash.Please use envelopes & gloves when handling any type of currency & wash hands/sanitise after use. If possible ask your bank to help you set up online banking & transfers
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 15, 2020
When the entire social media is engulfed with Coronavirus posts, spreading panic and horror to the masses, the diva calms her followers, asking them to take care of their “hand hygiene and practice social distancing.”
It doesn’t matter how many confirmed or non confirmed cases of CoronaVirus there are, we shouldn’t consume ourselves with panic, we should maintain our hand hygiene and practice social distancing and focus on prevention of possible spread of the virus, on an individual basis ????????????????
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 16, 2020
She is worried to see the state of supermarkets with empty shelves, queues out the door and stocking up on medicines.
Never experienced the supermarket like this before.Shelves empty,queues out the door,stocking up on medicine before illness,no water accessibility,buying perishables in bulk?The next time my mum tells me about how her parents survived living through a war, I’m going to listen!
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 17, 2020
The activist uploads a worrying photo of a swab she had cleaned her phone with, hinting other objects we can find germs on.
Hands are not the only things with germs that need to be cleaned. How many times do you put your hands on your phone to type or use your phone near your face? This was the swab I just cleaned my phone and charger cord with. Don’t judge me till you do it too!!! #StopTheSpread
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 17, 2020
Talking to the landlords, she speaks about some rent leniency towards their tenants during this time of hardship.
With the recent shut downs of cafes, restaurants, shops, gyms, schools and play areas due to #CoronaVirusPakistan, building owners should show some rent leniency towards their tenants during this time of hardship so that our small businesses don’t close down for good.
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 18, 2020
I am appealing to building owners, I know you have mouths to feed too, but any empathy shown at this time will contribute to sustaining our economic future. Minimising loans, implementing small payment plans, lowering rent or grace periods for small businesses would go a long way
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 18, 2020
Lastly, she requests Pakistan to do what the country is famous for; charity because “it’s not just about the virus anymore it’s about keeping our country afloat throughout this time of crisis.”
It’s not just about the virus anymore it’s about keeping our country afloat throughout this time of crisis. We know charity, we have proved again & again we are a people of exceptional giving. But now will be the ultimate test, this will be the time our country needs us the most
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 18, 2020
We need to give now,more than ever before.Our best chance of getting through this is by working together, helping each other.Our leaders can work out the plan on how to catch us but we need to create the cushion that will soften the fall.Let’s wash our hands, Not our hearts ????????????
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) March 18, 2020
More power to you Shaniera Akram.
Are you taking proper precautions? Have your say in the comments’ section below.

Masters in Journalism.
An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a writer, by passion.
Currently working at ARY Digital Network as a Lifestyle Editor
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