Be it 5-year-old Marwah in PIB Colony, Karachi, or an 86-year-old grandmother in Delhi, India, women of all ages are being physically assaulted on a daily bases across the world. Days after Marwah’s killing, a woman, accompanying her children was heinously brutalized when she stopped due to the fuel shortage on the motorway, near Lahore.
Related: Celebrities demand #JusticeForMarwah
As soon as she stopped the car to call one of her relatives for the fuel, a few men came, robbed her, and then humiliated her, that too, in front of her children. Her relative who was supposed to bring the fuel reported that he saw her driving towards him with broken windows.
It is an event that has caused so much harm internally and externally that the people who do not even know about the incident properly have come in the mainstream, engulfed in ultimate agony and infinite aggression to denounce this pathetic act with the strongest possible words.
Related: Celebrities Laud Capital Punishment Of Zainab’s Murderer
Likewise, a few pivotal fragments of the Pakistani media fraternity have taken to social media to protest against the atrocious act and to demand exemplary punishment for the perpetrators.
Actor Humayun Saeed said he is shocked beyond belief due to this incident.
Shocked beyond belief and extremely distressed to learn about this incident
— Humayun Saeed (@iamhumayunsaeed) September 10, 2020
Shaan Shahid warned, “All who stand quiet today will be judged in the courts of the ALMIGHTY where no one shall escape his deeds.”
#Humanitybleeds #justicesleeps the owners of justice quiet .the victims wait . Life is a trial between the powerful &the powerless . And all who stand quiet today will be judged in the courts of the ALMIGHTY where no one shall escape his deeds.#justiceformarwah #motorwayincident
— Shaan Shahid (@mshaanshahid) September 10, 2020
Fashion mogul Frieha Altaf asks for freedom, as it is the right of everyone living in the country.
Freedom! That is the right of all citizens & people.Women & children do not have Freedom in this country. No woman, child is safe in Pakistan. you can be molested, Raped & killed at home, office, street or field. #motorwayincident #JusticeForMarwah @ImranKhanPTI @ShireenMazari1
— Frieha Altaf (@FriehaAltaf) September 11, 2020
With Hashtagsa like #WeHaveHadEnough #RaiseYourVoice #JusticeForPakistan, philanthropist Shaniera Akram wrote, “Like everyone, I’m just scared to death of waking up each morning to see which new little body is lying in a mountain of trash.”
Like everyone, I’m just scared to death of waking up each morning to see which new little body is lying in a mountain of trash ????????#WeHaveHadEnough #RaiseYourVoice #JusticeForPakistan
— Shaniera Akram (@iamShaniera) September 11, 2020
Mansha Pasha said the value of sugar, wheat, and vegetable is increasing every day but the value of human life is deteriorating.
Cheeni, Atay aur Sabzi ka daam barh raha hai
Aur sasti ho rahi hai tau Insaani jaan #JusticeForGulPanra#JusticeForMarwah— Mansha Pasha (@manshapasha) September 9, 2020
“We can’t protect anyone. Except our egos,” wrote Ayesha Omar, as she recalled the recent events of cruelty.
One day it’s a 5 year old child. The other, a 4 month old baby. Today it’s a transgender activist, who was asking for protection a year ago. What do we have to say about ourselves as a nation. We can’t protect anyone. Except our egos. #JusticeforGulPanra
— Ayesha Omar (@ayesha_m_omar) September 9, 2020
Armeena Khan said she and every woman of the country feel unsafe.
This piece of news has suddenly made every woman (including myself) feel unsafe.
— Armeena ???? (@ArmeenaRK) September 9, 2020
Ushna Shah sheds light on how troubled a society we actually live in.
The irony that I tweeted "im okay with this" to a video of a rapist being stoned to death an hour prior to news of mother raped in front of children on motorway & 2 days after news of 5yr old Marwa shows how deep in trouble we are as a society.
— Ushna Shah (@ushnashah) September 9, 2020
Iqra Aziz has a thought-provoking question. She asked, “How can we as people sit back and allow for this to happen?”
To think it has now come down to mothers being gang raped in front of their children. Let that heartbreaking reality sink in.
How can we as people sit back and allow for this to happen?
????#motorwayincident #Pakistan
— IqraAzizHussain (@iqraazizhussain) September 10, 2020
Ishqiya actor Feroze Khan requests Prime Minister Imran Khan to “just make one example.”
– I will always count on your statement that Pakistan will be “Riasat e Madina” and if you don’t hang these monsters raping and killing children and women in the open nothing can ever be changed … just make one example. Public execution is what I demand @ImranKhanPTI
— Feroze Khan (@ferozekhaan) September 10, 2020
Meanwhile, celebrities such as Faysal Quraishi, Mehwish Hayat, Mahira Khan, Asim Azhar, Mawra Hocane, and others demand a public execution of the perpetrators.
How come in Singapore women are safe to walk home alone even at 4am?Why can’t we have the same sense of security here?! Are we living in a civilised society or a jungle?Scream all you want abt #PublicHangingOfRapists -nothing will happen till the mindset changes!#motorwayincident
— Mehwish Hayat TI (@MehwishHayat) September 10, 2020
#PublicHangingOfRapists #PublicHangingOfRapists #PublicHangingOfRapists #PublicHangingOfRapists #PublicHangingOfRapists
— Asim Azhar (@AsimAzharr) September 10, 2020
Cycling karti howi larki sey tharak ..aurat ka gang rape 5 saal ki bachi k sath ziyadti ..and the result is 0 …latkao ayese kutton ko chock pe had hogai hey
— Faysal Quraishi (@faysalquraishi) September 10, 2020
HANG THEM ALL!!!!!! #motorwayincident
— MAWRA HOCANE (Hussain) (@MawraHocane) September 10, 2020
Islamic Law for rapists needs to be implemented. We need to resolve this issue today, before this heinous crime reaches terrible heights. Rapists should be publicly hanged! #hangrapists #WarAgainstRape
— VEENA MALIK (@iVeenaKhan) September 10, 2020
We hope and pray the culprits are caught speedily and exemplary punishment is given to them so that no one in the country could even dream of ever looking at a woman with bad intentions.
What are your views on the story? Have your say in the comments’ section below.

Masters in Journalism.
An avid reader, food enthusiast, and a writer, by passion.
Currently working at ARY Digital Network as a Lifestyle Editor
The post Celebrities demand public execution of the ‘Motorway Case’ culprits appeared first on ARY Digital.