Who will win the “sob battle” in desi soaps?
So the trend of shedding tears making the viewers actually weep over is really some piece of art. So we are blessed with so many actresses with the discussed trait, however no one can ever beat these...
View ArticleBest gifts to offer on Women’s Day
They make the earth beautiful with their existence, Yes ! she is a mother, a daughter, a wife and a loving sister. On the celebration of the international Women’s Day you can get some cool ideas to...
View ArticleShout out to all the women who never choose back seats
When you know your strengths but they tell you, “You can’t do this, you can’t do that” and these comments can throttle your chances to rise. We all practically face such notions and concepts that has...
View Article8 Best Girl Power movies to watch on Women’s Day
Sit back and relax for a treat day as we have some amazing girl power movies to watch on this special day. These movies actually come up with such a good stuff that displays the woman empowerment and...
View ArticleThese stars transformed from brunett to platinum blond and the results are-...
From steaming dark head to opting for some lighter tones , everyone need a change to kill the boredom out of your head. Here are some Hollywood celebrities to decided to go for some extreme makeover...
View ArticlePlastic Surgery Goes WHAT!!!
“Mirror,mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all?”, and yeah ofcourse, the mirror throws reflection. Either to tell a lie or to confront the truth, these days seeking and enhancing beauty...
View ArticleIt is important to say “Sorry” to your child, but why?
When we talk about the accountability , we think that children are so accountable and explainable to their parents, but have we ever think of how much parents are explainable to their children? So, the...
View ArticlePakistan’s favorite couple appearing in an upcoming project
After several block buster movies of all times, the very renowned Shaan Shahid and Reema Khan decided to surprise everyone from a shock valley by hooking up for a TV commercial . The couple is famous...
View ArticleWhen you’re overtired you may ail
So this explains a lot that the lack of sleep and being overtired can actual cause sickness. There is a new research that why sleep is important to slip out of misery of flu and other sicknesses. Due...
View Article7 measures to avoid disastrous marriage
So we are living in a society where we have utterly lost the correct set of mind where patience is the tool that normalize the glitches and riots between the two. So what exactly can prevent the...
View Article13 Colors to wear for this Summer!
So we all have a crave for summer wardrobe and everytime you open your closet you find no good pair to wear. So the hunch gets intense and massive by the time goes by. So what are the happening...
View ArticleHow To Know If Your Honey Is Real
So all you honey lovers out there, do you have any idea if the honey you buy from your nearby utility store is real? So we have hunt down some tips to check if the honey is real , it’s easy and the...
View ArticleBeauty That Attracts Men In Different Parts Of The World
Every culture entice its own uniqueness and its own perspective to view the beauty through its own prism. It may seem a ritual and custom of some tribes but they have a signature beauty form to portray...
View ArticlePakistan’s mini-screen celebrities gather under one roof for a mehndi event
The country’s television celebrities gathered under one roof for the mehndi ceremony of Abdullah Seja, the younger brother of ARY Digital Network’s CEO Jerjees Seja, a day ago. The mehndi event was...
View ArticleHow To Overcome Anxiety
The disease that is harsh and can leech under our skin by feeding on human’s emotions, however what can prevent them of not overcoming our senses that can literally paralyze the sense to normal and...
View ArticleGlowy Skin At Home, When Fancies Won’t Work
So we all want Kim Kardashian kind of glowy dewy skin but when you tried all the chemicals at your face and still fail to achieve the major glow then look into your kitchen cabinets and try some of the...
View Article8 things to be done for a morning start
The world of today is hectic and surreal with immense amount of work and pile of tomorrows with loads of work. So do you plan a proper morning? Maybe this question arise every morning when you make...
View Article8 healthy late night Snacks
When you secretly slumber but a slight munch crave monster feeds under your hungry stomach , you opt for a cheese cake or probably would chomp over a fudge desert, But we have some great ideas to keep...
View Article6 Best Ideas For Blue Eye Makeup
To be glam doll this spring you may want to experiment with something fun with your eyes by adding blue eye liner, blue mascara, blue kajal or even blue shadow. So lot of girls are hesitant to use blue...
View ArticleScreen Art and Mehreen Jabbar
A creative St. Josephian who completed her graduation from St. Joseph’s college had an inspiration for film making and direction none other than Mehreen Jabbar . This promising and energetic being...
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